Memorial Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
God's Love Grows Here!

Spiritual Growth

Sunday School
Every Sunday morning, people of all ages gather at MUMC for “Sunday School.”  There are 5 classes for children and youth (ages infant-12th grade) and 6 classes for adults (1 young adult class, 3 middle-aged classes, and 2 senior adult classes).
Charlene teaches our youngest, from nursery through 1st grade.  Rodney and LeeAnn teach the 2nd-4th grade class.  Rena and Susie teach the 5th and 6th graders.  [All located in main building.]
Jack leads the junior high youth (grades 7-9) and Justin leads the senior high youth (grades 10-12).  [Located on upper level of Legacy Hall building.]
Young Adults
We have an exciting new Sunday school class called "Lost 'n Found" and it is comprised of 20-somethings and 30-somethings….singles, dating couples, married couples, young adults with small children, etc.  Marie is their teacher and they are on fire for the Lord.  [Located on upper level of Legacy Hall Building.]
Classes include the Asbury Class, Faithseekers Class [located lower level of main building] and Genesis Class [located on upper level of Legacy Hall Building].  Each is a unique group of people studying and learning in different ways.  Some classes use a curriculum with the Bible, others simply use the Bible.  All are open and would be honored to include new people.
Senior Adults
Classes include Adult Bible Class and the Roland Murphy Class. [Both are located on upper level of main building.  Handicapped accessibility through Sanctuary entrance.]  Each is a unique group of people studying and learning in different ways.  Both are open and would be honored to include new people.
Small Groups
We believe that the best way to grow in relationship with God and people is to engage in a small group.  Small groups give you the opportunity to grow your faith and make meaningful connections with your church family.  There are a variety of small groups available including Sunday school classes, Bible study groups, choir and hand bells, covenant prayer groups, and the numerous missions and ministry committees that plan and carry out the ministries of this church.
Joyful Journey
After many years of hearing stories about how wonderful a “Lay Witness Weekend” was back in the 70’s, we decided to do it again.  In 2008, a group of lay people sponsored by the Upper Room Ministries came to Appomattox to celebrate a new “lay witness weekend” which we called the “Joyful Journey of Faith.”  It was indeed a time of spiritual renewal within our church and community.  We have continued to have a “Joyful Journey” weekend every year, each one unique.  JJ#2 used the study and theme of Fruitful Congregations.  JJ#3 focused on community outreach.  JJ#4 used the movie, “Courageous,” as the theme.  We were excited to use JJ#5 as our community-wide “Open House” for the grand opening of our new building, Legacy Hall.  We look forward to seeing how God will use our “joyful journeys” to increase our faith and bring more disciples into God’s kingdom.
Walk to Emmaus
The “Walk to Emmaus” is a 72-hour experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation.  It is an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ in a new way as he is revealed to you through other believers.  You will enjoy three busy days singing, learning, laughing, praying, worshiping, and participating in small groups.  For more information, go to, which is the website of our local Emmaus community.  Or contact the church where we can connect you with one of our many members who have experienced the “Walk to Emmaus.”  It can be a life-changing experience.