Memorial Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
God's Love Grows Here!


The Jesus Center
We consider ourselves partners with The Jesus Center, an active and boldly courageous church located on 460 East in Evergreen.  Lead by Elder Alfred Jones, they have a strong ministry to help at-risk children and youth.  One of their projects is an after-school program every Monday and Thursday.  They send a bus to the schools those afternoons and take approximately 40 young people to their church for an afternoon of tutoring, mentoring, character building, and recreation.  Our church has joined with several other churches to provide meals for the children on these days.  We work with Evergreen UMC, and together, we feed the children the 2nd week of each month.  The children enjoy the food and the love, but we probably gain more from the experience than they do!!  For more information about the Jesus Center, go to or locate them on Facebook.
Good Samaritan Clothing Exchange
This is a very active ministry in Appomattox that helps the needy with clothing, household items, small appliances, and toys.  They are located in the “old” elementary school on Confederate Blvd (460 Business).  We have several people in our church that volunteer their time at this important ministry.
Habitat for Humanity
“Habitat” is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry that has helped to build or repair over 600,000 decent, affordable houses, serving more than 3 million people worldwide.  Their vision is “a world where everyone has a decent place to live.”  The Appomattox Chapter has built 18 houses to date.  We have members who serve on the board of directors and members that go out on Saturday mornings to help with construction.  For more information about Habitat for Humanity, go to
Angel Tree
Each Christmas, the Missions Committee selects children from disadvantaged families for whom we will purchase Christmas gifts.  Church members become the “angels” who anonymously fulfill wishes for the children.  Descriptions of items requested by the children are written on “ornaments” and hung on a small tree located in the church lobby.  Volunteers take an “ornament” and return it with the wrapped gift.  All gifts are delivered in time for Christmas.
Food Pantry
There are several food pantries located in the town of Appomattox.  Our church regularly collects donated imperishable food items to help keep the food pantries stocked for those in the community that need assistance. 
Relay for Life
This is an annual overnight event to raise money and awareness for the American Cancer Society.  Cancer affects many people in our church and community.  We have a team that participates in the “walk-a-thon” that takes place at the local high school, usually around May.  Our team raises money for the ACS mainly by soliciting donations from members and friends, and preparing Brunswick stew during the cold winter months.  Their stew is so delicious that they usually sell out before the stew has finished cooking! (via pre-orders)
Homebound Communion
Our church family  celebrates Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month, at both worship services.  Baskets are lovingly prepared and consecrated during these services, and then teams go out that afternoon to serve Holy Communion to our homebound members and friends.  Teams also go to Babcock Manor and Appomattox Health & Rehab Center.  They lead a mini worship service and serve the elements to those that want to participate.  These special visits are cherished by those that are unable to come to church for whatever reason.