Memorial Methodist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
God's Love Grows Here!

Adult Sunday School Classes

All of our adult classes WELCOME newcomers and we encourage you to visit around to see where you might feel the most comfortable.
We currently have 5 adult classes and are always open to the possibility of starting a new class.
Adult Bible Class
Our class meets in the third room on the right upstairs in the original building.  Our group consists of mature individuals and couples.  The leaders rotate.  It is our goal to model Christ in our lives.    Encouraging all attendees to individually and comfortably contribute in our discussions is a major objective of the leaders.  Finishing the lesson on time is a major challenge.  Class starts at 10:40 AM.  We begin our gathering with prayer concerns.
Roland Murphy Class
We meet upstairs in the original building, second room on the right (the room that used to be the Pastor's office).  Our group ranges in age from 50-something to 80+ including couples and singles.  Our weekly study revolves around adult studies literature.  We enjoy open class discussions for anyone who wishes to participate.  Our discussions revolve around the lesson, scriptures, and how they apply to us today.
Faith Seekers Class
The Faith Seekers Class meets in the Parlor right off the Narthex.  Our group ranges in age from 40-somethings to 60+ with both married and single folks from all walks of life.  The teaching of Jesus Christ is our cornerstone.  We alternate between interesting book studies and DVD studies.  We invite informal, open conversations on issues Christians face in the world and everyday life, providing love and support to each other. 
Asbury Class
Our class meets upstairs Legacy Hall directly across from the elevator.  We are blessed to have four teachers who rotate leading the class.  WE traditionally select a 6 to 10 week scripturally based series with a study guide/book which is recommended by one of the teachers or someone in the class.  This provides us interesting and diverse lessons.  The backgrounds of the individual members vary, providing different perspectives on the lesson material and leading to thought provoking discussions.  We are always happy to welcome new members! Our young at heart group is 50 plus and includes both couples and singles. 
Genesis Class
We meet upstairs Legacy Hall (exit the elevator and turn right, we are the first classroom on the right).  We range in age from 40 to 80, and there are couples and singles attending.  We discuss books of the Bible, as well as some DVD studies that relate to our lives as Christians.