Memorial Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
God's Love Grows Here!


Pray for a Child
We started a ministry many years ago whereby adult members “select” different children of the church and commit to pray for them every day.  All of our children have at least one “prayer partner” and this ministry creates a bond between the generations.  It is a comfort to parents knowing that someone in their church family is praying for their children every day.

Enter to Pray
Every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 pm, a representative from the Prayer Team meets others in the Parlor/Chapel (located in the narthex (front entrance) of the Sanctuary) for a focused time of prayer and meditation.  This is open to everyone, within and outside the church.  It is our hope that individuals will join us when they are in need of prayer.
Prayer Chain
We have a very active “prayer chain” of individuals that receive information through emails and phone calls who are ready to pray for any need that arises.  Not only do we receive prayer requests for church members but also for friends in our community and around the world.  Do you have a need for which we can pray?

Prayer Ushers
At each worship service on  Sunday mornings, we have 2 teams of prayer ushers that are available at the end of the service to pray with you, pray for you, and anoint you with oil.  These are teams of volunteers that are scheduled on a rotating basis and are trained to “usher” you into the presence of the Lord.