Memorial Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
God's Love Grows Here!


 Worship is enhanced each week through our ministry of music
We are blessed to have a choir, hand bell choir, and a praise and worship team!  The choirs and praise & worship team meet weekly to prepare for their beautiful gifts of music.  A number of musicians play piano, organ, keyboard, guitar, violin, dulcimer, and harp.  A wonderful combination of talent and service enables us as a congregation to truly "make a joyful noise". 
Welcome to all who have the Joy of Music.
The Sanctuary Choir is open to all who want to be a part of our music ministry,   We are very blessed to have so much musical talent in this church.  The Sanctuary Choir meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30 - 7:30 pm.  They sing special music almost every Sunday and perform cantatas for Easter and Christmas.  They would love to have more members.

Hand Bells
The Memorial Ringers form a fun group of people who love making music with the hand bells and chimes.  They practice weekly on Wednesdays from 5:30 - 6:30 pm and perform in church approximately every other month.  They also attend hand bell festivals to learn and grow.  This group would love to have more members…and they will teach you how to ring!
Children’s Choir
Periodically a children’s choir will come together to sing for special occasions.  It is wonderful to see our children using their talents in worshipping our Lord.

Sue is our resident harpist.  She loves to play the harp during worship services, and especially for services of Holy Communion.  There’s room at this church for your musical gift as well.
Praise and Worship Team
Our P&W Team's guitar players include experienced and others just learning how to strum chords.  They rehearse at 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning and participate in both 8:30 and 11:00 services.

We are always open to creative expression of music.  If you can't commit to weekly participation in our music ministry, you can be part of the music ministry by being a soloist or joining a one-time quartet.  
We want to utilize the talents of all the people that want to express themselves through music, whether it is by instruments, voice, or creative movement.  Come join the music!