Memorial Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
God's Love Grows Here!

Legacy Hall

Methodist Day Care opened in our church in 1989, which drastically changed the way our facility was utilized.  Instead of Sunday morning “church” and occasional activities and meetings, our building was also being used 12 hours a day, Monday through Friday.  In 1999, a long-range planning committee determined that the church needed an expanded facility, mainly a larger fellowship hall with multi-purpose spaces.  In 2003, a building committee started exploring the possibilities of pursuing this goal.  It was determined that in addition to the multi-purpose building, other needs included an elevator, restrooms, and office spaces.  Through the work of various building committees and surveys over the years, in 2009 we finally defined the purposes of the building project:  1) to provide adequate spaces for small group studies and activities as well as large group gatherings and worship, AND 2) to be more effective in reaching out to our community.  We called it “Reaching Up, Reaching Out,” reaching UP to God, and reaching OUT to our world.
We had our first Church Conference in April 2010, to approve the need for the new building.  The second Church Conference was held in September 2010, where we approved the preliminary architectural and financial plans and were authorized to hire Dominion 7 Architects and RSI fundraising company.  The official fundraising campaign started in March of 2011 and on April 10, 2011, we celebrated Commitment Sunday, receiving pledges of $820,000.  Five months later, we had all of the pieces in place.  On October 2, 2011, final plans for a project totaling $1,575,000 were approved at Church Conference #3, selecting JE Jamerson & Sons as our contractor and Farmers Bank as our lending institution.  What a joyful day it was when we celebrated our groundbreaking ceremony during Joyful Journey #4 on October 16, 2011.
And now we have this beautiful building, which we call Legacy Hall!  Our “certificate of occupancy was issued on August 23, 2012.  A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on August 26, 2012.  The building was dedicated on September 16, 2012, and we hosted a community-wide “Open House” during our Joyful Journey #5, September 27-30, 2012.   We give God the glory for making this dream a reality and we continue to “reach up and reach out” to our God, our community and our world.   Come and see!!
Some of our activities in Legacy Hall include: worship services, concerts, conferences, fellowship meals, bereavement meals, basketball, volleyball, small group meetings, walking for exercise, indoor playground for MDC, Bible study, Sunday school, Youth United, Holy Grounds, First Fridays, and the Spring Bazaar.