Memorial Methodist Church
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
God's Love Grows Here!
Leadership![]() Norman was raised in Charlotte County, Virginia. He graduated from Randolph Henry High School, Greesboro College, and received his M. Div. degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Since then, he has served for over 30 years in pastoral ministry in KY, TN, and VA. He has been blessed through the years to be in mission throughout the United States, Brazil, Kenya, Honduras, and South Korea. Norman currently serves on the board of Evangelical Fellowship of Virginia and is a past board member of the National Association of United Methodist Evangelists. He's written four books and recorded many musical projects including the Colors of Grace: the only Board of Discipleship approved music resource for the Walk to Emmaus (2005).
He writes a daily teaching blog at as well as helps produce My Music Snack, an online music ministry of psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, and teachings on the way of grace which he co-produces with Butch Taylor.
Norman is married to Karen and they recently celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary. They have four children: Sandra, Keith, Robert, and Hannah. They also have five wonderful grandchildren. Norman said, "We are very excited about working together with everyone at Memorial to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ! This is a great opportunity to not only move back closer to home and take better care of my Mama, it is a speical moment in time to share the good news of Jesus. Karen and I look forward to meeting and getting to know each and everyone."
![]() Music Director – Bryan Allgood
Bryan is the music director. He is involved with music education in Appomattox County, where he also enjoys teaching many kids who attend MUMC. Bryan expanded his musical leadership to include directing church music after being part of the Experiencing God Study here at Memorial. Allison, Bryan’s wife, is a classically trained pianist. She is delighted to have the role of pianist and leader of the paise and worship team. They currently have two daughters, and will soon be welcoming their third daughter … another member of the child’s choir. ![]() Keyboardist – Carolyn Bergdoll
![]() Office Assistant – Rena Baine Rena graduated from Virginia Tech and the University of North Florida. She was a teacher for several years. She has been in Appomattox for 7 years and has been a member of Memorial UMC for that time. She enjoys working as an Office Assistant in the church office, teaching Sunday School, and spending time with her church family in various activities. She has a passion for missions and has served on mission teams in various parts of the world. Treasurer – Nancy Dawson
Youth United Director - Justin & Tori Rothgeb
Methodist Day Care Director - Nancy Letterman
Office Administration -
Church Council Chairperson – Susan Eggleston
Lay Leader – Blair Smith |