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The Answer to How ... ? How do I become healed of this hurt? ?? How do I free myself from my hang-ups? ??? How do I overcome all my harmful habits?
As Christians, we believe we need God to be saved. Still, after that, we’re convinced we can handle everything by ourselves. How silly are we? As we say at Celebrate Recovery, if we could fix ourselves, by now, we would have. But we can’t. It is impossible. And, God doesn’t expect us to white-knuckle it and do it all by ourselves. Listen to Jane, a C/R member, tell her story. A story about the “aha” moment when she realized how she was successful in surrendering her eating disorder. The way I’ve had victory is by NOT doing any of the things I have done before. That is extreme dieting, starving, or exercise, followed by stuffing and losing control, followed by sheer hopelessness and feelings of shame and failure. The way I’ve reached my goal is by crying out to the Lord, again and again. Every time I face a portion of food or a situation that has the power to trigger me, I ask Him to help me. To help me handle it without my drug of choice – food. I ask Him to rescue me AT THIS MOMENT from THIS TEMPTATION. Recently I asked God why I am now struggling with emotional vulnerability. I am not sure how to deal with the fear of being emotionally hurt, betrayed, or being attacked again. I know this is the next issue He wants me to deal with. I asked how can I possibly overcome the fear? The answer; He said the same way you overcame your eating disorder. So I went back to the first three steps of CR and found that every time I face temptation, my only hope is to reach upward in prayer. Step 1: We admit we are powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives have become unmanageable. Romans 7:18 I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. Step 2: We believe that a power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity. Philippians 2:13 For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose. Step 3: We make a decision to turn our wills and our lives over to the care of God. Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship Like Jane, every time we face a temptation, our only hope is to reach upward in prayer. Ask for help. Remember, our God promises that He will provide you a way. C/R offers you support and help for overcoming your hurts, hang-ups, and harmful habits .. based on God’s plan given to us in His Basic Instructions Before Living Earth.
Call us -- Cheryl Gowin 434-808-2637 or Dennis Gowin 434-808-2426 like CR-Appomattox on Facebook @celebrate.recovery.appomattox